For anything except the most basic crafted gear, you’ll need not only resources but DNA and other items collected from defeated enemies. Here we cover the DNA you’ll need to craft your gear, and how you use it once you have it.
Tag Archives | patch 0.7.1694

Battleframe Progression Calculator
A calculator to show all the requirements for Battleframe progression to help you organise your resources and currencies.

Firefall Patch Notes: Patch 0.7.1694
The Firefall patch notes for Patch 0.7.1694 have just been released. These include bugfixes, new cosmetics, PvP leaderboards, world changes, changes to melding pocket arcporter keys, and changes to crafting recipes. Find all the information here!

Firefall’s Melding Pockets: a Gameplay Guide
The melding pockets are accessible via arcporters from Copacabana, Thump Dump and Sunken Harbor, and feature new environments, creatures and events. Here’s a look at what goes on in these areas.

Accessing Firefall’s New Melding Pockets
Learn about Firefall’s three new Melding Pockets and the new instance – find out how to visit Antarctica, Diamond Head, Sargasso Sea, and the Blackwater Anomaly!

The Beta Crystite Guide: Where to Get It and How to Spend It
There’s a lot of confusion and misinformation about beta crystite – how to get beta crystite, what you can buy with it, and how much it costs. We’ve put together a handy Firefall Beta Crystite guide so you can be informed before the patch hits.
The Complete Firefall Warpaints Guide August 31, 2013
The Firefall New Player Guide: I’m New, What Do I Do? June 6, 2013
Accessing Firefall’s New Melding Pockets July 1, 2013
The Guide to Firefall Gliders July 28, 2013
The Firefall Battleframes Guide November 2, 2013
On Hiatus April 21, 2014
April Red Bean Bundles Available April 2, 2014
March Red Bean Bundles Available March 1, 2014
February Red Bean Bundles Available February 11, 2014
Firefall’s New Equipment System: an Introduction February 2, 2014
pector: I miss this website. And I agree - the game has...
joe soap: this is out of date big time now...
Svetlio: sr for my English how to open Anatomy of a Battl...
Liberato: Great job! But i see news warpaints that dont see ...
Leanne: Thank you for this awesome guide!! <3...