As you may have noticed, things have been a bit quiet here at Astrek Association. Due to a few events in RL, both of us have found ourselves with substantially less time available. As a result, we’ve had to put Astrek Association “on hold” in the short term. In the meantime, please stay in touch!

April Red Bean Bundles Available
The April Red Bean bundle is available for purchase — the last one of its type!

March Red Bean Bundles Available
The new Red Bean bundles for March are available now, with a mix of old and new rewards.

February Red Bean Bundles Available
February’s Red Bean bundles are available, with a range of rewards based on how many Red Beans you purchase.

Firefall’s New Equipment System: an Introduction
Firefall’s new Milestone has done away with item Stages, and has revamped the constraints system. Read on for all the details.

Crafting Research and Specialization
The Patch 0.8 Milestone introduces a revamped research system with specialisations, added costs, an upgraded UI, and more.

January Red Bean Bundles Available
January’s Red Bean bundles are available, with the usual tiered rewards based on how many Red Beans you buy at once.

Happy Holidays!
2013 is nearly at an end, and we’d like to take a moment to thank all of you who’ve helped make Astrek Association such a fun project for us. Happy holidays!

December Red Bean Bundles Available
December’s new Red Bean bundles are available now, featuring a mix of old and new rewards.

November Red Bean Bundles Available
A new month brings us a new range of Red Bean bundles. These will be available for a limited time, and offer a range of rewards.