Crafting can be confusing when the quality of your material doesn’t match the quality of your crafted item.

How to Equip Crafted Gear in Firefall
So you’ve just crafted yourself a shiny new piece of gear for your favourite battleframe, but it doesn’t show up when you’re trying to equip it in the garage? Judging by the forums and zone chat, this is a very common problem, so here’s a quick guide to equipping crafted gear in Firefall.

Fix Your Firefall Brightness: A Quick Tip
Fix your Firefall brightness and cut down glare with these handy Firefall console commands, including a step-by-step guide to using the Firefall console.

New Firefall Resources
New Firefall resources mean new things to learn! Check our guide to all the new gatherable resources in Patch 0.6.

Firefall Changes: the March Milestone Shakeup
Big changes are afoot in the world of Firefall, and the March milestone due this weekend will cause a big shakeup. Here’s a look at what’s changing, and what you can expect from Firefall this weekend.

Crystite Hybrids Utility
I wrote a little app to manage my crystite hybrids. You can use it to keep track of your hybrids and see how they will blend.

Welcome to Astrek Association
Welcome to the launch of Astrek Association! We aim to provide useful and relevant information for all our fellow Firefall fans – from statistical data and theorycrafting, to gameplay guides, to news and analysis, we hope you’ll find us a useful and interesting resource.